Gummy Smile
Gummy Smile Treatment at SkinSpaceUK
If you’ve noticed that when you smile, your upper lip elevates too far above your upper teeth and exposes your gums, then you could be suffering from what’s commonly called a gummy smile. A gummy smile can often lead to feeling self-conscious when we smile or speak, knocking our confidence in the long run.
So what causes a gummy smile? Common causes can be a hyperactive muscle elevating the upper lip or enlarged gum tissue (known as gingival hypertrophy) or excessive growth of the upper jaw. Sometimes, a gummy smile is made worse by a thin upper lip, which further emphasises the problem.
Thankfully, a gummy smile is easily corrected, using injections to reduce the activity of the muscle that elevates the upper lip. You’re in safe hands at SkinSpaceUK, as our experienced practitioners are expert at using injections to treat a gummy smile.