Vitamin B12 Shot
Boost Your Immune System and Mental Clarity With SkinSpaceUK’s Vitamin B12 Shot
For a happy, healthy body, Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that plays a key role. When we have high levels of Vitamin B12 in our system, energy levels and stamina sour, sleep quality improves, our mental clarity improves and our immune system falls into balance.
Being Vitamin B12 deficient is incredibly common, with a staggering 85% of us failing to receive the correct dose from our diet alone. When we lack Vitamin B12 we soon start to see a host of complications arise. These can range from fatigue, depression and headaches, to infertility, heart disease, balance issues, heart palpitations, pins and needles and vision changes.
Our risk factor may increase naturally with age, or if we follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, smoke or suffer from certain gastrointestinal disorders such as Crohn’s Disease. The deficiency may be because the body is unable to sufficiently absorb Vitamin B12 from our diet alone or due to Pernicious Anaemia, where your immune system attacks healthy cells in your stomach.